Is an Adventurous Life Really Riskier than a Stable One?

A more adventurous and spontaneous life is often thought of as more "risky." but is it? Should we be more hesitant to risk our dreams for stability?

The choice to live a stable, stationary, monotonous life is not usually thought of as the “risky” choice… but is it? 


I often hear the word “risk” when I discuss prioritizing adventure over work. And that makes a lot of sense. To the average onlooker, I am risking a lot, and they may think it’s for no good reason. Taking months off seems like an unnecessary and childish thing to do to people who hold a work-centric view of life. I am not making a lot of money, I am not providing value to a company, and I’m not putting my career on the most profitable pathway. 


So, what’s the point of taking on all of that risk?


They’re not seeing the other side of the coin: the risk of staying put. The risk of knowing that travel, adventure, and happiness were all within my grasp, and I didn’t do it. The risk of growing old and realizing that my life could have been something amazing, only for me to give it up for my five-figure salary.


To me, the risk of regret is far greater than the risk of lost earnings. It’s bigger than the risk of career stagnation.


Too many people sacrifice their twenties for a payout in their thirties, forties, fifties, or even later. They feel like they need to work now, sacrifice their life now, and then in some imagined future utopia, they’ll get the perfect adventure handed to them and everything will work out frictionless. 

I hear it all the time, “Travel when you’re young because it’s the best time to do so.” It’s teamed up with countless other lines of wisdom given to young people by old people.


“Youth is wasted on the young.” 

“On your deathbed, you will never wish you spent more time in the office.” 

“Adventure is what your twenties are for.”


I think the biggest risk is to wait for a time when it’ll suddenly be easy to live the life we’ve always wanted.


Your dream life will take risks and sacrifices. So take them.

Life gets more complicated. You may have kids (even if you think you don’t want them right now). You may have a house, health insurance, etcetera to keep you tethered to your job; to a “normal” life.

I think we need to look at risk as a double-edged sword. What is the risk of achieving your dreams now? What is the risk of staying put? Money can always be made back. But, you’ll never be able to go back in time.


If you have any freedom now, you need to take hold of it. That freedom is not promised in the future. We aren’t even promised a future. Which choice will you be more comfortable with 10, 20, or 30 years down the road? Will you look back on your life and appreciate the story you wrote for yourself? Will you be happy with the risk you chose?


No matter what, you’re taking a risk: the risk of jumping or the risk of regret. I think you know the one I’d choose. 

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